Nanci is a listener first, and a vocalist second. While her influences include great singers such as Ella Fitzgerald and Anita O’Day, her phrasing and approach reveals a nimble sensibility resembling pianists she idolizes, like Hampton Hawes and Gene Harris. With a voice that evokes the golden age of cool jazz, she gives the Great American Songbook the treatment it deserves- sensitivity, percussiveness, a sense of humor, and an unmistakable warmth. She has performed in grand hotels and tiny bars in Europe, the US, and China. Her steady rhythmic sense has lent itself to many a local swing and blues dance in these locales, as well as the China Lindy Hop Championships. Along with ET and Doug, she is looking forward to an unforgettable evening.
The BRICKS爵士俱乐部,位于三里屯新东路,是北京少有的爵士&蓝调风Live house, 致力于持续为您呈现精彩的演出、有趣的派对。这里始终是《爱乐之城》里 Seb 心心念念的爵士律动,是纽约皇后区老城让人醉心的铜管之声,是从芝加哥到新奥尔良密西西比一线蓝调和爵士的弦喉交响。来The BRICKS饮一杯醇香的美酒,看一场温情的演出,抑或掷一局热闹的Party. 这里的纯正真实伴你畅游爵士之旅,治愈一切烦闷。